Oilseed Rape - Chlorosis
In their intercostal area, leaves show chloroses with white to pink necrotic patches. A narrow margin along the leaf veins remains green.
Zinc deficient plants
Generally, oilseed rape is not sensitive to zinc deficiency.
Oilseed Rape - Deformation
Growth of Zn deficient plant is severely stunted - habitus is dwarfed, with some single flowers.
Habitus of the whole plant is rosette-like, the leaves remain small and dark green.
No formation of flowers or pods at severe deficiency.
Older leaves show chlorosis and commencing necrosis towards the leaf tips and margins.
Zinc deficient plants
Generally, oilseed rape is not sensitive to zinc deficiency.
Oilseed Rape - Deformation
Growth of Zn deficient plant is severely stunted.
Older leaves show whitish chlorosis along the margin margins, the lowest ones express a white mottling and leaf blade deformation
Zinc deficient plants
Generally, oilseed rape is not sensitive to zinc deficiency.
Zinc deficiency made worse by
- Organic soils
- High pH soils
- Soils rich in phosphorus
- Soils receiving high phosphorus application
- Cold wet conditions
Zinc is important for
- Proper formation of flowers and pods
- Oilseed rape is not sensitive to Zn deficiency